Winsor&Newton® Acrylic Varnish

14.95 €


Winsor&Newton® Acrylic Varnish

This finishing varnish dries quickly within a few hours, is non-yellowing and provides excellent protection for your acrylic paintings against dirt, dust and other environmental influences.

  • Resistant to aging - maintains the brilliance and luminosity of artworks for years
  • Elastic - forms a colorless and elastic protective coating for acrylic artwork that dries quickly and does not yellow
  • Protective - against dirt, dust and other environmental influences and forms a uniform gloss level in matte, silk matte or glossy
  • Galeria varnishes can be mixed with each other to vary the degree of gloss. The varnish is available in matte, silk matte and glossy


To avoid air bubbles in the film, varnishes should not be shaken or stirred vigorously. Varnishes should be applied evenly and quickly with a soft brush. Brushing too vigorously may result in small bubbles and cloudiness in the dried film.